Journal Publications
M.S. Eskandari Nasab, M. Bafandegan, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Evaluation of an Innovative Hybrid Seismic Control System with Amplified Energy Dissipation, Advances in Engineering Software, Accepted, 2025.
H. Kim, D.H. Han, T.H. Lee, and J.W. Hong, An Application of Machine Learning for Geometric Optimization of a Dual-Throat Bent Nozzle, Advances in Engineering Software, Accepted, 2025.
D. Park, S. Kim, S. Jin, Y. Choi, H. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Leaning U-shaped Masonry Fence Walls, Earthquake Spectra, Accepted, 2025.
H. Kim, D.H. Han, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of a Novel Dual Throat Bent Nozzle, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Accepted, 2024.
T.H. Lee, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, A Novel Advanced Block Assembly Method with 3D Printed Channel Systems, Composite Structures, 118584, 2024.
D. Park, T.H. Lee, Y. Lee, Y. Choi, and J.W. Hong, Blast Simulations of a Reinforced Concrete Slab Using the Continuous Surface Cap Model (CSCM), Journal of Building Engineering, 96:110603, 2024.
H. Chen, G. Chang, T.H. Lee, S. Min, S. Nam, D. Cho, K. Ko, G. Bae, Y. Lee, J. Feng, H. Zhang, J. Kim, J. Shin, J.W. Hong, S. Jeon, Compression-Sensitive Smart Windows: Inclined Pores for Dynamic Transparency Changes, Nature Communications, 15, 8074, 2024. (Co-corresponding author).
S. Jin, S. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Parallelized Plastic Coupling of Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamics and Finite Element Method, Advances in Engineering Software, Accepted, 2024.
Y.K. Hwang, S. Jin, J.W. Hong, and I. Sohn, An Offline Coupling Approach for Efficient SPH Simulations of Long-distance Tsunami Events Uing Wave Source Boundary Condition, Advances in Engineering Software, 192:103632, 2024.
J. Lee, S.E. Lee, S. Jin, H. Sohn, and J.W. Hong, An Application of Machine Learning for Material Crack Diagnosis Using Nonlinear Ultrasonics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 214:111371, 2024.
H. Kim, Y. Choi, D. Park, M.K. Lee, G.J. Lee, B.H. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Emission (AE) Sensors by Lead-Zirconate-Titanate (PZT) Geometric Design, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 366:115031, 2024.
Y. Lee, T.H. Lee, D. Park, Y. Choi and J.W. Hong, Optimal Mesh Size in Three-dimensional Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method of Free-air Explosions, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, Accepted, 2023. (Non-SCI, KCI).
Y. Choi, D. Park, S. Kim, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Seismic Behaviors of L-shaped Unreinforced Masonry Walls, Engineering Structures, 297:116989, 2023.
M. Kim, S. Lee, T. H. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Dynamic Transient Analysis of a Submerged Floating Tunnel Under Impact Loading, Ocean Engineering, 287:115913, 2023.
S. Jin and J.W. Hong, Convergence Study of Stabilized Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamics for Elastic and Fracture Problems, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 289:109438, 2023.
S. Jin, Y.K. Hwang, and J.W. Hong, Stabilized Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamics with Irregular Nodal Distribution, Mechanics Research Communications, 130:104130, 2023.
Y. Choi, D. Park, S. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Investigation on the Behavior Factor of Leaning Masonry Wall Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Accepted, 2023.
Y. Choi, D. Park, S. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Seismic Performance of Crack-damaged Masonry Wall Structures via Shaking Table Tests, Structures, 45:2272-2291, 2022.
D. Park, Y. Choi, S. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Failure Analysis of a U-shaped Concrete-block Masonry Wall Structure via Shaking Table Tests, Engineering Failure Analysis, 142:106832, 2022.
M. Kim, S. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Empirical Estimation of the Breaker Index Using a Stereo Camera System, Ocean Engineering, 265:112522, 2022.
G.J. Kim, S. Lee, M. Kim, H.G. Kwak, and J.W. Hong, Characterization of Single and Dual SFT through a Hydraulic Experiment under Regular and Irregular Waves, Ocean Engineering, 263:112365, 2022.
T.H. Lee, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Study on Impact Resistance of Nonuniform Nacre-patterned Multi-layer Structures, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 35:215-226, 2022. (Non-SCI, KCI).
K. Ko, S. Lee, Y.K. Hwang, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Investigation on the Impact Resistance of 3D Printed Nacre-like Composites, Thin-walled Structures, 177:109392, 2022.
Y.K. Hwang, J.E. Bolander, Y.M. Lim, and J.W. Hong, Compatible Coupling of Discrete Elements and Finite Elements Using Delaunay-Voronoi Dual Tessellations, Computational Particle Mechanics, 9:1351-1365, 2022.
F. Ahmad, H. Mehboob, F. Abbassi, J.W. Hong, J. Zghal, and A. Mehboob, Numerical Investigation to Evaluate the Energy Effect on the Impact Resistance of an Aircraft Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 29:4457-4467, 2022.
Y.K. Hwang, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Fracture Simulations using Edge-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Isotropic Damage Model via Delaunay/Voronoi Dual Tessellations, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 31:348-373, 2022.
Y.K. Hwang, Y.M. Lim, and J.W. Hong, Simulation of Structural Vibrations Using Voronoi-Cell Lattice Models, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 36:647-654, 2022.
H. Chen, D. Cho, K. Ko, C. Qin, M. Kim, H. Zhang, J.H. Lee, E. Kim, D. Park, X. Shen, J. Yang, H. Ko, J.W. Hong, J.K. Kim, and S. Jeon, Interdigitated 3D Heterogeneous Nanocomposites for High-Performance Mechanochromic Smart Membranes, ACS Nano, 16:68-77, 2022. (Co-corresponding author).
J.M. Sun, D. Cho, S. Lee, T.H. Lee, J.W. Jung, J. Lee, S.H. Cho, T.H. Eom, J.W. Hong, Y.S. Shim, S. Jeon, and H.W. Jang, Rationally Designed TiO2 Nanostructures of Continuous Pore Network for Fast-Responding and Highly Sensitive Acetone Sensor, Small Methods, 5:2100941, 2021. (Co-corresponding author).
Y. Choi, S.E. Lee, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Collision Mechanism of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles onto Glass Panels, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 13:1-18, 2021.
D. Park, Y. Choi, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Study on Seismic Behavior of a Three-Story RC Shear Wall Structure, Journal of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 25(3): 111-119, 2021. (Non-SCI, KCI).
S. Lee, M. Kim, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Nondimensionalized Semi-empirical Equation to Predict Secondary Load Cycles on Vertical Cylinders of Different Diameters, Ocean Engineering, 230:108968, 2021.
S. Jin, Y.K. Hwang, and J.W. Hong, Coupling of Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamics and Finite Element Method with Reduced Boundary Effect, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122:4033-4054, 2021.
S. Lee, M. Kim, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, SPH-Based Wave Tank Simulations, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 34(1): 59-69, 2021. (Non-SCI, KCI).
F. Ahmad, F. Abbassi, M. Ul-Islam, F. Jacquemin, J.W. Hong, Enhanced Impact-Resistance of Aeronautical Quasi-Isotropic Composite Plates Through Diffused Water Molecules in Epoxy, Scientific Reports, 11:1775, 2021.
G. Bae, G.M. Choi, C. Ahn, S.M. Kim, W. Kim, Y. Choi, D. Park, D. Jang, J.W. Hong, S.M. Han, B.S. Bae, and S. Jeon, Flexible Protective Film: Ultrahard, Yet Flexible Hybrid Nanocomposite Reinforced by 3D Inorganic Nanoshell Structures, Advanced Functional Materials, 31:2010254, 2021.
P. Devkota, H.W. Jang, J.W. Hong, and J. Park, Finite Element Analysis-Based Damage Metric for Airtightness Performance Evaluation of Concrete Tube Structures, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 25:1385-1398, 2021.
J.W. Jung and J.W. Hong, Blast Response Simulation of the Alfred Murrah Building Reinforced by Use of HPFRCC, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 15:4, 2021.
Y.K. Hwang, J.E. Bolander, Y.M. Lim, and J.W. Hong, Coupling of SPH and Voronoi-cell Lattice Models for Simulating Fluid-structure Interaction, Computational Particle Mechanics, 8:813-823, 2021.
S.E. Lee and J.W. Hong, Effect of Crack Closure on the Magnitude of Modulated Wave, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 20:2041018, 2020.
D. Cho, J.S. Jang, S.H. Nam, K. Ko, W. Hwang, J.W. Jung, J. Lee, M. Choi, J.W. Hong, I.D. Kim, and S. Jeon, Focused Electric-field Polymer Writing: Toward Ultralarge, Multi-stimuli-responsive Membranes, ACS Nano, 14:12173-12183, 2020. (Co-corresponding author).
S.E. Lee and J.W. Hong, Detection of Micro-crack in Metal Using Modulation of PZT Induced Lamb Waves, Materials, 13:3823, 2020.
Y.K. Hwang, J.E. Bolander, J.W. Hong, and Y.M. Lim, Irregular Lattice Model for Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Mechanics Research Communications, 107:103554, 2020.
H.W. Jang and J.W. Hong, Influence of Zinc Content on the Mechanical Behaviors of Cu-Zn Alloys by Molecular Dynamics, Materials, 13:2062, 2020.
S. Lee, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Comparative Study on the Breaking Waves by a Piston-type Wavemaker in Experiments and SPH Simulations, Coastal Engineering Journal, 62:267-284, 2020.
D. Cho, Y.S. Shim, J.W. Jung, S. Nam, S. Min, S.E. Lee, Y. Ham, K. Lee, J. Park, J. Shin, J.W. Hong, and S. Jeon, High-Contrast Optical Modulation from Strain-Induced Nanogaps at Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Interfaces, Advanced Science, 7:1903708, 2020. (Co-corresponding author).
S. Lee and J.W. Hong, A Semi-Infinite Numerical Wave Tank Using Discrete Particle Simulations, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8:159, 2020.
K. Ko, S. Jin, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Impact Resistance of Nacre-like Composites Diversely Patterned by 3D Printing, Composite Structures, 238:111951, 2020.
S. Jin, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, A Vision-based Approach for Autonomous Crack Width Measurement with Flexible Kernel, Automation in Construction, 110:103019, 2020.
S. Lee and J.W. Hong, Parametric Studies on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic Simulations for Accurate Estimation of Open Surface Flow Force, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 12:85-101, 2020.
J.W. Jung, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Experimental and Numerical Investigations of High-Speed Projectile Impacts on 7075-T651 Aluminum Plates, Materials, 12:2736, 2019.
J.W. Jung, Y.C. Yoon, H.W. Jang, and J.W. Hong, Investigation on the Resistance of Steel-plate Concrete Walls Under High-velocity Impact, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 162:105732, 2019.
S.E. Lee, J.W. Jung, Y. Choi, Y.J. Yoon, and J.W. Hong, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Impacts on Heat-strengthened Glass, IEEE Access, 7:104269-104278, 2019.
S.E. Lee, H.J. Lim, S. Jin, H. Sohn, J.W. Hong, Micro-crack Detection with Nonlinear Wave Modulation Technique and its Application to Loaded Cracks, NDE & E International, 107:102132, 2019.
S.H. Baek, J.W. Hong, K.Y. Kim, S. Yeom, and T.H. Kwon, X-ray Computed Microtomography Imaging of Abiotic Carbonate Precipitation in Porous Media from a Supersaturated Solution: Insights into Effect of CO2 Mineral Trapping on Permeability, Water Resources Research, 55:3835-3855, 2019.
J. Lee and J.W. Hong, Morphological Aspects of Crack Growth in Rock Materials with Various Flaws, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 43:1854-1866, 2019.
K. Ko, S. Jin, S.E. Lee, I. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Bio-inspired Bimaterial Composites Patterned Using Three-dimensional Printing, Composites Part B, 165:594-603, 2019.
H.W. Jang, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Molecular Dynamics Evaluation of the Effects of Zinc on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys, Computational Materials Science, 159:66-72, 2019.
S.E. Lee, P. Liu, Y.W. Ko, H. Sohn, B. Park and J.W. Hong, Study on Effect of Laser-induced Ablation for Lamb Waves in a Thin Plate, Ultrasonics, 91:121-128, 2019.
F. Ahmad, F. Abbassi, M.K. Park, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Investigation to Evaluate Effect of Fiber Orientation on Penetration-Resistance of an Aircraft Composite Material, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 26:1613-1621, 2019.
S.H. Baek, J.W. Jung, J.W. Hong, Y. Kim, J.M. Lee, and T.H. Kwon, Numerical Computation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Sand Using X-ray Microtomography Imaging of a Pore Structure, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 19:187-192, 2019. (Non-SCI, KCI).
F. Ahmad, F. Abbassi, M.K. Park, J.W Jung, and J.W. Hong, Finite Element Analysis for the Evaluation of the Low-Velocity Impact Response of a Composite Plate, Advanced Composite Materials, 28:271-285, 2019.
J. Kim, H.W. Jang, J.U. Shin, J.W. Hong, and H. Myung, Development of a Mole-like Drilling Robot System for Shallow Drilling, IEEE Access, 6:76454-76463, 2018. (Co-corresponding author).
C. Ahn, S.M. Kim, J.W. Jung, J. Park, T. Kim, S.E. Lee, D. Jang, J.W. Hong, S.M. Han, S. Jeon, Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites Reinforced by 3D Continuous Ceramic Nanofillers, ACS Nano, 12:9126-9133, 2018. (Co-corresponding author).
J. Lee and J.W. Hong, Crack Initiation and Fragmentation Processes in Pre-cracked Rock-like Materials, Geomechanics and Engineering, 15:1047-1059, 2018.
H.W. Jang, D. Hahm, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Effective Numerical Approach to Assess Low-cycle Fatigue Behavior of Pipe Elbows, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 50:758-766, 2018.
S.E. Lee, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Periodic Nonlinear Waves Resulting from the Contact Interaction of a Crack, Journal of Applied Physics, 122:124303, 2017.
J.W. Jung, H.W. Jang, J.H. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Effect of Second Hardening on Floor Response Spectrum of a Base-isolated Nuclear Power Plant, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 322:138-147, 2017.
J. Lee, J.W. Hong, and J.W. Jung, The Mechanism of Fracture Coalescence in Pre-cracked Rock-type Material with Three Flaws, Engineering Geology, 223:31-47, 2017.
F. Ahmad, F. Abbassi, J.W. Hong, S.H. Chang, M.K. Park, Hygroscopic Effects on the Penetration-resistance Behavior of a Specially-orthotropic CFRP Composite Plates, Composite Structures, 176:1073-1080, 2017.
S.E. Oh and J.W. Hong, Parallelization of a Finite Element Fortran Code using OpenMP Library, Advances in Engineering Software, 104:28-37, 2017.
A. Ullah, F. Ahmad, H.W. Jang, S.W. Kim, and J.W. Hong, Review of Analytical and Empirical Estimations for Incident Blast Pressure, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 21(6):2211-2225, 2017.
J. Lee, S.E. Oh and J.W. Hong, Parallel Programming of a Peridynamics Code Coupled with Finite Element Method, International Journal of Fracture, 203:99-114, 2017.
J. Lee, Y.D. Ha, and J.W. Hong, Crack Coalescence Morphology in Rock-like Material Under Compression, International Journal of Fracture, 203:211-236, 2017.
J. Lee and J.W. Hong, Dynamic Crack Branching and in Brittle Polymers, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100-101:332-340, 2016.
J.W. Jung, S. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Floor Response Spectrum Analysis of a Base-isolated Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 29(4): 355-362, 2016. (Non-SCI, KCI).
H.W. Jang, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Fatigue Fracture Analysis of Curved Pipes Under Cyclic Loading, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 29(4): 363-368, 2016. (Non-SCI, KCI).
J.W. Jung, J.W. Hong, H.K. Lee, and K. Choi, Estimation of Viscoelastic Parameters in Prony Series from Shear Wave Propagation, Journal of Applied Physics, 119:234701, 2016.
J. Min, H. Shim, J.W. Hong, and C.B. Yun, An Electromechanical Impedance-based Method for Tensile Force Estimation and Damage Diagnosis of Post-tensioning Systems, Smart Structures and Systems, 17:107-122, 2016.
J. Lee, W. Liu, and J.W. Hong, Impact Fracture Analysis Enhanced by Contact of Peridynamic and Finite Element Formulations, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 87:108-119, 2016.
F. Ahmad, J.W. Hong, H.S. Choi, and M.K. Park, Hygro Effects on the Low-Velocity Impact Behavior of Unidirectional CFRP Composite Plates for Aircraft Applications, Composite Structures, 135:276-285, 2016.
Y.D. Ha, J. Lee and J.W. Hong, Fracturing Patterns of Rock-like Materials in Compression Captured with Peridynamics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 144:176-193, 2015.
F. Ahmad, J.W. Hong, H.S. Choi, S.J. Park, and M.K. Park, The Effects of Stacking Sequence on the Penetration-Resistant Behaviors of T800 Carbon Fiber Composite Plates under Low-Velocity Impact Loading, Carbon Letters, 16(2):107-115, 2015.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, Modeling of Three-dimensional Lamb Wave Propagation Excited by Laser Pulses, Ultrasonics, 55:113-122, 2015.
H. Lee, H.U. Lim, J.W. Hong, and H. Sohn, Mechanical Impedance Measurement and Damage Detection using Noncontact Laser Ultrasound, Optics Letters, 39:3130-3133, 2014.
K.S. Lee, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Advanced Aircraft Analysis of an F-4 Phantom on a Reinforced Concrete Building, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 273:505-528, 2014.
K.S. Lee, S.E. Han, and J.W. Hong, Post-buckling Analysis of Space Frames using Concept of Hybrid Arc-length Methods, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 58:76-88, 2014.
K.S. Lee, S.E. Han, and J.W. Hong, Analysis of Impact of Large Commercial Aircraft on a Prestressed Containment Building, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 265:431-449, 2013.
W. Wang, R. Burgueño, J.W. Hong, and I. Lee, Nano-deposition on 3-D Open-cell Aluminum Foam Materials for Improved Energy Absorption Capacity, Material Science & Engineering A, 572:75-82, 2013.
J. Kim, J.W. Hong, and S. Baek, Longitudinal Differences in the Mechanical Properties of the Thoracic Aorta Depend on Circumferential Regions, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 101A:1525-1529, 2012.
K.S. Lee, J.W. Hong, and S.E. Han, Ultimate Load Capacity of Unit Strarch Frames using an Explicit Numerical Method, Steel and Composite Structures, 13:539-560, 2012.
G. Kim, S. Baek, J.W.Hong, J.Park, and K.Y. Jhang, Analysis of Transmitted Ultrasound Signals through Apples at Different Storage Times using the Continuous Wavelet Transformation, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 13(11):1949-1954, 2012.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, A Coupling Approach of Discretized Peridynamics with Finite Element Method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 245-246:163-175, 2012.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, Discretized Peridynamics for Brittle and Ductile Solids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89:1028-1046, 2012.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, Discretized Peridynamics for Linear Elastic Solids, Computational Mechanics, 50:579-590, 2012.
A. White, J.W. Hong, S. Hong, and J. Choi, Parameter Estimation for Wavelet Transformed Ultrasonic Signals, NDT& E International, 44:32-40, 2011.
S.B. Kim, C.G. Lee, J.W. Hong, H.W. Park, and H. Sohn, Applications of an Instantaneous Damage Detection Technique to Plates with Additional Complexities, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 29:189-205, 2010.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, Three-dimensional Lamb Wave Propagation Excited by a Phased Piezoelectric Array, Smart Materials and Structures, 19:085002, 2010.
J. Choi and J.W. Hong, Characterization of Wavelet Coefficients for Ultrasonic Signals, Journal of Applied Physics, 107:114909, 2010.
S.J. Lee, H. Sohn and J.W. Hong, Time Reversal Based Piezoelectric Transducer Self-diagnosis for Structural Health Monitoring Applications, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 29:75-91, 2010.
J.W. Hong, J.H. Pyeon, J.W. Tedesco, and Y.B. Park, Coarsening Model of Cavity Nucleation and Thin Film Delamination from Single Crystal with Proton Implantation, Physical Review B, 75:214102, 2007.
J.W. Hong and S.W. Cheong, A Crack Model for the Onset of Blisters using Finite Surface Thicknesses, Journal of Applied Physics, 100:094322, 2006. (Also, selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, November 27, 2006).
J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, Coupling and Enrichment Schemes for Finite Element and Finite Sphere Discretizations, Computers and Structures, 83:1386-1395, 2005.
N. Elabbasi, J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, On the Reliable Solutions of Contact Problems in Engineering Design, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 1:3-16, 2004.
S. De, J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, On the Method of Finite Spheres in Applications: Towards the Use with ADINA and in a Surgical Simulator, Computational Mechanics, 31(1-2): 27-37, 2003.
Conference Proceedings
S. Kim, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Performance Evaluation of Iterative Solvers for Vectorized Quasi-Static Heat Conduction in Peridynamics, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 2024.
T.H. Lee, D. Park, Y. Choi, Y. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Blast Responses of a Reinforced Concrete Slab Using the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 2024.
H. Kim, D.H. Han, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Study of a Dual Throat Bent Nozzle Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, AIAA Paper 2024-4118, 2024.
S. Lee, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Particle-Based Numerical Analyses for Water Wave Generation, The Thirty-second KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2019.
Y. Choi, J.W. Jung, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Experimental and Numerical Investigations for Collision Risk Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, The Thirty-second KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2019.
H.W. Jang, Y. Choi, D. Park and J.W. Hong, Seismic Risk Analysis of Deteriorated Structures with High-Fidelity FEM model, The Thirty-second KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, 2019.
S. Jin, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Crack Width Measurement with an Adaptive Kernel, The Thirty-second KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, 2019.
K. Ko, S. Jin, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Low-velocity Impact Resistance of Nacre-like Composites, The Thirty-second KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, 2019.
J.S. Lee, C. Tirtawardhana, H.W. Jang, J.W. Hong and H. Myung, Concept Design of a Novel Bio-Inspired Drilling System for Shallow Drilling, Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 1276-1280, 2019.
Y. Choi, J.W. Jung, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Impact Risk Assessment of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, GPU and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2019.
S. Lee, J.W. Jung, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Water Wave Generation, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, GPU and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2019.
S.E. Lee, H.J. Lim, H. Sohn, and J.W. Hong, Micro-crack Detection by Use of Ambient Noise Modulation, The Thirty-first KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018.
H.W. Jang, J. Kim, H. Myung, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Model Verification of a Drilling System Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, The Thirty-first KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018.
S. Lee and J.W. Hong, Particle-Based Numerical Simulation for Water Wave Generation, The Thirty-first KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018.
S. Jin, S.E. Oh, and J.W. Hong, Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamics for Three-dimensional problem, The Thirty-first KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018.
Y. Choi, J.W. Jung, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Impact Risk Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, The Thirty-first KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018.
K. Ko, S. Jin, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Nacre-like Laminated Composite Structures with Enhanced Energy Absorption Capacity, The Thirty-first KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018.
S.E. Lee, H.J. Lim, S. Jin, H. Sohn, and J.W. Hong, A Study on the Detection of Compressed Micro-crack by Nonlinear Wave Modulation Technique, Proceedings of SPIE, 2018.
S. Lee, J.W. Jung, K. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations for Free Surface Flows and Interaction with Solids, The Thirtieth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2017.
K. Ko, H.W. Jang, S. Lee, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Simulation and Estimation of Critical Thrust Force and Angular Velocity of an Underground Drilling Robot, The Thirtieth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2017.
S.E. Lee, S. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Detection of Cracks under Compression with a Nonlinear Modulation Technique, The Thirtieth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2017.
S. Jin, S.E. Oh, and J.W. Hong, Performance Evaluation of a Finite Element Code Parallelized with OpenMP, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2017.
S. Jin, S.E. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Effect of Pressure on Nonlinear Ultrasonic Wave Modulation, Proceedings of SPIE, 2017
S. Jin, S.E. Lee and J.W. Hong, Modeling a realistic fatigue crack based on statistical analysis, The Twenty-ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, pp. 468-471, 2016.
D. Bakhtiyarov, J.W. Jung and J.W Hong, Finite element progressive collapse analysis of 2D beam-column sub-assemblies using reduced modeling approach, The Twenty-ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, pp. 433-435, 2016.
S. Lee, J.W. Jung, K. Ko and J.W. Hong Wave force estimation by numerical analysis, The Twenty-ninth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, pp. 457-459, 2016.
F. Ahmad and J.W. Hong, Impact Resistance of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite Plates: Experimental Test and Modeling, Proceedings of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, 2016.
H.W. Jang, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Nonlinear Fracture Analysis of Curved Pipes Under Dynamic Loading, Proceedings of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, 2016.
D. Bakhtiyarov, A. Ullah, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Structures, Proceedings of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, 2016.
J.W. Jung, S. Lee, and J.W. Hong, Floor Response Spectrum Analysis of Base-isolated Nuclear Power Plant, Proceedings of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, 2016.
S.E. Lee, S.Y. Jin, and J.W. Hong, Microcrack Modeling and Simulation for Nonlinear Wave Modulation, Proceedings of SPIE, 2016.
S.E. Oh and J.W. Hong, Parallelization of FEAP Based on OpenMP, The Twenty-eighth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.
K. Ko, S.J. Yang, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Studies of Noise Modulation for Reducing Floor Impact Sound Reduction, The Twenty-eighth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.
J.W. Jung, H. Jang, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Simulation and Performance Evaluation of a Steel-Plate Concrete Structure against High Velocity Projectiles, The Twenty-eighth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.
H. Jang, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Modeling of Simplified Lead-Rubber Bearing for Numerical Analysis of Base Isolated Nuclear Power Plant, The Twenty-eighth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.
S.E. Lee, H.J. Lim, H. Sohn, and J.W. Hong, Excitation Conditions for Nonlinear Ultrasonic Wave Modulation Technique, The Twenty-eighth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.
H.W. Jang, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, Modeling of Simplified Lead-Rubber Isolator for Numerical Analysis of Base Isolated Nuclear Power Plant, Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 2015.
S.E. Oh and J.W. Hong, Numerical Analysis of a Hybrid-type Rotary Steerable System, International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Paper 229, 2015.
J.W. Jung, H. Jang, and J.W. Hong, Floor Response Spectrum Analysis of Base Isolated Nuclear Power Plant and Estimation from Simplified Model, Division VI, Paper ID 846, SMiRT, 2015.
S.E. Lee and J.W. Hong, Modulation Scheme of Nonlinear Waves for Effective Crack Detection, Proceedings of SPIE, 2015.
Y.W. Ko, H.S. Lee, H.U. Lim, and J.W. Hong, A Finite Element Analysis for Wave Propagation by a Laser Pulse in a Plate, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
Y.W. Chung, Y.S. You and J.W. Hong, Finite Element Analysis of Blast Profiles at Various Scaled Distances for High Evergy Explosives, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
S.J. Yang, J.W. Jung, and J.W. Hong, The Evaluation of the Blast Effects with the Conwep Method, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
S.E. Oh and J.W. Hong, Finite Element Analysis of the Stability of a Hybrid-type Rotary Steerable System for Directional Drilling, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
S.E. Lee and J.W. Hong, Fatigue Crack Detection in Simulation Using Nonlinear Wave Modulation Technique, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
F. Ahmad and J.W. Hong, Effect of Hygrothermal Condition on the Impact Properties of CFRP Composite Plate, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
A. Ullah and J.W. Hong, Validation of LS-Dyna LBE with Analytical and Empirical Estimations of Incident Blast Pressure, The Twenty-seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.
H.K. Ju, J.W. Jung, J.W. Hong, S.H. Eem, H.J. Jung, Floor Response Spectrum Analysis According to the Location of Base Isolated Nuclear Power Plant, Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 2014.
J.W. Jung, J.W. Hong, H.K. Lee, and K. Choi, Simulation of Shear Wave Propagation Induced by Acoustic Radiation Force, Proceedings of SPIE, 2014.
J.W. Jung and J.W. Hong, Simulation of Acoustic Radiation Force and Shear Wave Propagation by Using Finite Element Method, The Twenty-sixth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2013.
H.U. Lim, Y.W. Ko, and J.W. Hong, Use of Finite Element Analysis to Predict Laser-generated Lamb Waves, The Twenty-sixth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2013.
Y.W. Ko, H.U. Lim, and J.W. Hong, Numerical Simulation of Guided Waves in Pipe-like Structures by Noncontact Laser Pulse, The Twenty-sixth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2013.
H.U. Lim and J.W. Hong, Thermo-mechanical Simulation of Guided Waves in Pipes Excited by Laser Pulses, Proceedings of SPIE, 2013.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, Peridynamics Simulation for Porous Brittle Solids, Code2012, Jeju, Korea, 2012.
W. Wang, Y. Qu, J.W. Hong, R. Burgueno, and I. Lee, Controlled Nano-deposition of Metal on Cellular Foam Materials for Improved Energy Absorption Capacity, Proceedings of AIChE Annual Meeting, 2012.
K.S. Lee and J.W. Hong, Large Scale Simulation of Commercial Aircraft Impact and Blast on Critical National Infrastructures, The Twenty-fifth KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, pp. 210-213, 2012.
K.S. Lee and J.W. Hong, Missile Target Interaction Analysis of B747 Aircraft using Hydrocode LSDYNA, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society, 2012.
J. Shen and J.W. Hong, Numerical Modeling of Guided Waves in Pipe-like Structures, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8345 834527-1, 2012.
W. Liu and J.W. Hong, Finite Element Simulation of Guided Waves Generated by Laser Pulses, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8345 83450C, 2012.
G. Dib, L. Mhamdi, T. Khan, L. Udpa, N. Lajnef, J.W. Hong, S. Udpa, P. Ramuhalli, and K. Balasubramaniam, Wireless NDE Sensor System for Continuous Monitoring, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011.
L. Mhamdi, N. Lajnef, J.W. Hong, and S. Park, Three-dimensional Modeling and Impedance Profile Estimation of Piezoelectric Materials, ASEM (ICOSSS), 2011.
J.W. Hong and Y. Qu, A Numerical Study of Wave Propagation Excited by a Lamb Wave Phased Array, Proceedings of SPIE, 7292:72921Z, 2009.
H.W. Park, J.S. Kang, J.W. Hong and H. Sohn, Wave Propagation in Solids, Soils and Structures: Understanding The Effects of Complex Structural Features on Guided Wave Propagation, Proceedings of 15th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 15:1299-1303, Daejeon, Korea, 2008.
D. Vaughan, D. Lawver, D. Milner, J.W. Hong, and H. Levine, Development of Fast Running Tools For the Prediction of Progressive Collapse, Proceedings of International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS), Orando, Florida, September 2007.
J.W. Hong, J.H. Kim and Y.M. Lim, Dynamic Simulation of Brittle Fragmentation under Impact, Annual Conference, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 488-491, 2004. (In English).
J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, On Analytical Transformations for Efficiency Improvements in the Method of Finite Spheres, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 1990-1994, 2003.
J. Sandhu, E. Bamberg, J.W. Hong, and M.C. Boyce, Active Engagement Pedagogy for an Introductory Solid Mechanics Course, Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, June, Session 2468, 2002.