
Director of AAML, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Engineering Software (Elsevier, JCR Q1)

Director of Center for Disaster Science and Technology 

카이스트 재난과학기술연구소 소장 (

Dr. Suyeong Jin

Postdoctoral research associate

Dr. M. Seddiq Eskandari Nasab

Postdoctoral research associate

Seong Eun Oh

Ph.D. student

Dawon Park

Ph.D. student

Kyung Bo Lee

Ph.D. student

Sunwoo Kim

Ph.D. student

Tae Hee Lee

Ph.D. student

Homin Kim

Ph.D. student

Yena Lee

Ph.D. student

Minji Kim

M.S. student

SangHoon Kim

M.S. student

Financial Staffs

Mrs. Sora Lee
